Archive for September, 2020

Thawing out in Paint Lick

September 9, 2020

What was happening 10 years ago at Paint Lick. CENSUS.

Friends of Paint Lick,Inc.

Like everyone else in the country, we have been having a record winter (snow and low temps). Monday night the ladies were at Friends but the GED classes and the final testing for census workers was cancelled.  

The census folks are really excited about the support of Friends of Paint Lick and plan to use the building as an alternate location for some to come to and fill out the form avoiding a house-call.We took advantage of the cold week-end and made some improvements on our computer lab. Bob Keith, a friend in the CSC program at EKU donated his time to give our computers a check-up, install virus protection, and set up an administrator account with pass-word protection. He also put a password on our wireless option. Loraine Todd is serving as the lab co-ordinator for now and is hoping that FOPL will be able to serve others who may…

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